IT IS THE MISSION OF ST. ROSE PENTECOSTAL UNITED HOLY CHURCH OF AMERICA INC. to effectively minister the Word of God to the people of God through teaching, preaching and Reaching Out to Souls Everywhere. We believe that we are divinely called to address the needs of the total person, as our Savior did, and strive to lift the name of Jesus in our church, community and the world in which we live. We expect to accomplish this mission through our commitment to praise, worship, stewardship, evangelism and economic development.
UHCA's Mission
The Church is the mystical union of all believers with Christ as its head through which He operates, saves souls, reveals God’s nature and will to men, and does mighty works, thus glorifying the Father who is in Heaven (Ephesians 1:22,23; 5:32; Galatians 1.25; Romans 12:14-21; 1 Corinthians 12:12-14).The Christian Church, according to the New Testament, is an inclusive company of baptized believers, called out from the world, and organized on a definite plan in order to accomplish God’s divine purposes and through which the ordinances and sacraments are administered. Therefore, the mission of The United Holy Church of America, Inc. is to promote Christian doctrine, values, and fellowship for the purpose of extending Holiness throughout the world through the teaching and preaching of the Word and the establishing of PROGRAMS and activities which minister to the temporal as well as the spiritual needs of humankind. To implement this mission, we believe that it is necessary to effect appropriate organizational structures, to exercise discipline, to elect and sustain officers, to acquire, hold, and bequeath property, and to superintend the distribution of financial resources as we bear witness to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in obedience to His Great Commission.